Blog - Jazz Guitar Lessons
This blog covers different topics with several useful lessons both for beginners, intermediate and advanced jazz guitar players.
Whether you're looking for tips on playing jazz guitar, this blog surely has the information you crave and will help you expand your music knowledge and technical skills.
Here below many tutorials grouped into several distinct categories:
Jazz Guitar Licks and Transcriptions
Teacher Spotlight - Jazz Guitar Lessons
Cheat Sheets, Methods, Posters, eBooks
The content is regularly updated so don't hesitate to subscribe to the newsletter to receive the latest posts.
The Circle of Fifths - Music Theory
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-07-22
The circle of fifths is the way the 12 musical notes of the chromatic scale are arranged following a sequence of perfect fifths (7 semitones). It helps visualizing relationships between notes and better understanding diatonic harmony.
Modes of The Major Scale - Music Theory
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-07-18
- In Guitar Cheat Sheets, Methods, eBooks, Posters
This cheat sheet show how the modes of the major scale are built and what is the relation between them.
Chord Formulas - Reference Chart
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-07-08
Armando's Rumba - Guitar Chords
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-07-07
This lesson provides a chord study with tab of the Latin jazz tune Armando's rumba by Chick Corea based on the Latin Real Book version in C minor. Here below you'll find guitar tabs corresponding to the four main parts of the tune (A-B-C-D).
The chords used in this arrangement are mostly seventh chords as min7, maj7, dim7 and dom7 (drop 2, drop 3 and rootless voicings) including basic triads (min, aug) and altered dominant chords (7#9, 7b13).
Triad Chords For Guitar On YouTube and PDF
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-07-04
A new tutorial has been published on Jazz Guitar Licks YouTube channel.
It shows how to play the main triads on guitar using neck diagram shapes.
The triads discussed are : minor, major, diminished, augmented and suspended 2 & 4.
For those who'd like to get the printable PDF version and get more triad voicing shapes (open and close), there is a new method available since a few days, just click on the picture below to get it.
Guitar Arpeggios - Quick Starter Guide With Diagrams
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-06-25
- In Scales & Arpeggios
Arpeggios are the backbone of jazz improvisation, they are simple to learn, they allow to easily outline the harmony and create fluid lines. Arpeggios are very popular in all styles of music (rock, metal, blues, pop), that's why it is very important to learn them.
This guitar lesson provides the most important arpeggio shapes that any beginner jazz guitarist must know, classified this way :
major 7, minor 7, dominant 7, half-diminished, diminished 7, Major 7#5 and minMaj7.
You'll find in this tutorial three kinds of guitar diagrams for each arpeggio type :
one-octave shapes (notes within the space of one octave), two-octave shapes (notes within two octaves) and CAGED shapes.
Pat Martino Guitar Lesson - 10 Licks With Tab and Analysis
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-05-02
- In Licks & Transcriptions
A brand new video is now available on JGL's YouTube channel. It's about 10 Pat Martino lines taken from the jazz blues tune "Cisco". You can watch / hear the video below and maybe check out the full tutorial in the "solo transcriptions" section of this website.
Suspended Chords - Guitar Lesson With Charts and Theory
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-04-17
- In Chords / Voicings
Suspended chords are chords derived from triads and tetrads, the third is replaced with a fourth (most of the time) or a second, making them chords that are neither major nor minor.
This lesson with charts, tabs, and diagrams, teaches how these chords are constructed and how to play them on the guitar.
Notes on Guitar - Fretboard Diagrams
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-03-30
- In Guitar Cheat Sheets, Methods, eBooks, Posters
Learning the name of the notes and be able to find them out on the fretboard is very important when you want to explore scales, chords and arpeggios on guitar.
Knowing them on the guitar neck is obviously useful for a better understanding of music theory and sight reading, it will also help you communicate better with other musicians.
Superimposing Arpeggios - Guitar Lesson
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-03-25
- In Teacher Spotlight - Jazz Guitar Lessons
Lesson by George Dafnos
Here are somme ideas inspired by great jazz guitarists as Wes Montgomery ,George Benson on how to superimpose almost all the chord family degrees. This concept helps mapping the arpeggio combinations and listen different coloursounds above root ,subdominant or dominant families. After mastering all these, be sure to try making your own jazz lines and licks.
Satin Doll - Chords and Scales For Guitar - Lesson For Beginners
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-03-22
- In Jazz Standards
Satin Doll by Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn, witten in 1953, is one of the most famous jazz tune. It has been recorded by many jazz musicians as Wes Montgomery, Ella Fitzgerald, Mc Coy Tyner, Oscar Peterson and of course Duke Ellington himself. It has become a classic jazz standard, a must-hear, very popular at jam sessions.
This guitar lesson with chord shapes and scale charts explains how to play easy jazz chords and what basic scales to choose for improvising over Satin Doll.
Satin Doll Arranged For Jazz Guitar - Video With Tabs
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-03-15
Check out the latest video from the YouTube channel. This is a chord melody arrangement for guitar of Duke Ellington's jazz standard "Satin Doll".
This free lesson with tabs is intended for intermediate players who want to practice some drop 2, drop 3 voicings, walking bass lines, chords inversions and substitutions over one of the most popular jazz tune.
New PDF Method - 30 Smooth Jazz Guitar Licks
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-02-11
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
A new guitar method has been published recently to meet the demand of readers and buyers.
This printable PDF eBook is dedicated to Smooth Jazz Licks in the tradition of George Benson, Pat Metheny, Ronnie Jordan, Larry Carlton, Lee Ritenour and many more.
It is designed both for teachers and students who want to expand their theoretical knowledge and guitar technique .
So What - Miles Davis Transription For Guitar - Modal Jazz Solo With Tab
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-02-01
- In Teacher Spotlight - Jazz Guitar Lessons
Lesson by Steve Down
Here is a transcription for guitar of So What by Miles Davis. This video lesson provides the tab of the main theme and the whole Miles Davis solo. A good introduction to modal playing on guitar thus showing how Miles Davis used the Dorian mode (D Dorian and Eb Dorian).
6 Types of Dominant Scales - Guitar Chart With Shapes
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-01-24
- In Scales & Arpeggios
This guitar chart contains 12 shapes that show how to play the main dominant scales used in jazz music (Mixolydian, Lydian dominant, Mixolydian b9, Mixolydian b13, dominant bebop, Phrygian dominant).
The Phrygian Mode - Theory, Licks, Charts and Shapes
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-01-07
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
You'll find in this blog post several cheat sheets for guitarists about the Phrygian mode, third mode of the major scale. These infographics are related to the YouTube video below. They show how this minor scale is built, how to play it on guitar, what are the related chords, how to use it over common chord progressions, etc.
Guitar Scale Dictionary
This E-book is a printable PDF method including over 700 scale diagrams and formula charts for guitarists. -
Guitar Chord Dictionary
This PDF eBook provides over 550 guitar chord shapes. This is the perfect reference guide to understand how chords are built and how to play them on the guitar neck. -
30 Groovy Jazz Guitar Licks
This downloadable package contains a PDF WITH audio files giving access to 30 groovy guitar phrases mixing jazz, blues and funky licks for beginners. -
172 Arpeggio Shapes For Guitar
This printable PDF is a method dedicated to guitarists of all styles who want to learn build and play the most important types of arpeggios. -
126 Triad Chord Shapes
This handbook for guitar players is intended both for teachers and students. It includes 126 guitar shapes for mastering triads. -
Major Scale Harmonization
This package provides a printable PDF with exercises and audio files to learn how to harmonize the major scale with 3 note chords and their extensions. -
30 Minor Arpeggio Licks
This package includes a printable PDF method containing 30 exercises with tabs, staves and audio files for practicing minor arpeggios on guitar. -
II V I Bundle - 170 Exercises
This bundle contains 4 PDF methods for a total of 170 exercises with tabs, staves, analysis & audio files for practicing scales, arpeggios licks & chords over the 2-5-1 progression. -
Diatonic Licks Bundle
This package contains 120 jazz guitar lines based on diatonic modes as Mixolydian, Dorian and Ionian. PDF format with tabs, audio files and analysis. -
30 Smooth Jazz Guitar Licks
In this package you'll get a printable PDF Method with tabs, notation, analysis, scale shapes and audio files for practicing 30 smooth jazz guitar licks. -
40 II V I Jazz Guitar Licks
This pdf method for guitar contains fourteen 2 5 1 jazz guitar lines with tab, standard notation, analysis, scale charts and audio files. -
50 II-V-I voicings
This printable PDF guitar method provides 50 exercises with audio files, analysis, tab and staves for learning major 2-5-1 chord voicings. -
40 Minor 2 5 1 Chord Voicings
This PDF method contains 40 exercices with tabs, scores and audio files for practicing jazz guitar chords over the minor 2 5 1 progression. -
40 Minor II V I Licks
This guitar method is a printable PDF with tabs, diagrams, theory and audio files providing 40 minor 2 5 1 jazz patterns. -
40 Mixolydian Jazz Guitar Lick
PDF guitar method with tabs, audio files and theory providing 40 dominant jazz guitar lines for teachers and students. -
40 Minor Jazz Guitar Licks
This printable guitar method in PDF format contains 40 easy minor jazz guitar lines based on the Dorian mode. -
40 Major Jazz Guitar Licks
Printable PDF eBook method containing 40 major jazz guitar licks with tab, standard notation and audio files for beginners and intermediates. -
Guitar Walking Bass Lines
This jazz guitar method about walking bass lines and chords is available as a PDF files containing 35 exercises with tabs, analysis and audio files -
101 Dominant Arpeggio Patterns
This printable PDF method provides 101 dominant arpeggio exercises with tab, theory and standard notation for the jazz, blues and rock guitarist. -
49 Essential Jazz Lines
This printable eBook method in PDF format provides 49 jazz solo transcriptions of the greatest jazz musicians. Tab, standard notation, audio files & analysis. -
11 Jazz Blues Studies
11 jazz blues chord studies with tabs, standard notation, analysis, and audio recordings and PDF. -
10 Easy Fingerstyle Blues
This PDF with Tabs and audio files provides 10 easy acoustic fingerstyle blues guitar studies for kids and beginners. -
25 Altered Jazz Guitar Lines
This PDF eBook method contains 25 altered jazz guitar licks with tabs, patterns, scale charts and audio files to master, apply and develop the altered scale. -
40 Blues Dominant Patterns
This printable method is available as a PDF file containing 40 easy dominant jazz-blues guitar lines with tabs, standard notation, analysis, audio files and scale charts. -
25 Pentatonic Licks
This jazz guitar method is an eBook available as a PDF with standard notation, guitar tabs, diagrams, analysis, audio files and backing tracks. You will find in this booklet 25 easy jazz guitar lines with theory using common and rare pentatonic scales. -
25 Soul Jazz Guitar Licks
You will find here an eBook available in PDF containing 25 soul jazz and hard bop guitar licks in the style of Grant Green, Melvin Sparks, George Benson. -
25 Diminished Patterns
This eBook PDF with audio files contains 25 dominant diminished jazz guitar patterns using the half-whole diminished scale and diminished 7th arpeggios. -
6 Tritone substitution licks
This Printable PDF eBook available for free download contains 6 easy jazz guitar licks with tabs/notation, youtube video link and analysis about the tritone substitution. -
10 Minor 7 Arpeggio Patterns
This printable PDF eBook offers 10 easy minor 7 arpeggio patterns with its related YouTube video for beginner guitarists. -
10 Easy Major 7 Arpeggio Licks
This is a printable PDF for beginner jazz guitar players providing 10 easy licks to practice major 7 arpeggios. -
10 Chord Melody Lines
Within this package, you'll discover a set of ten chord melody exercises for beginners. Printable PDFaudio files, a backing track, and a link to the associated YouTube video. -
10 Minor Blues Scale Licks
You'll find here a PDF with 10 easy jazz guitar licks to practice the minor blues scale on guitar.