Blog - Jazz Guitar Lessons
This blog covers different topics with several useful lessons both for beginners, intermediate and advanced jazz guitar players.
Whether you're looking for tips on playing jazz guitar, this blog surely has the information you crave and will help you expand your music knowledge and technical skills.
Here below many tutorials grouped into several distinct categories:
Jazz Guitar Licks and Transcriptions
Teacher Spotlight - Jazz Guitar Lessons
Cheat Sheets, Methods, Posters, eBooks
The content is regularly updated so don't hesitate to subscribe to the newsletter to receive the latest posts.
Harmonized Scales Guitar Cheat Sheet
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-04-16
- In Guitar Cheat Sheets, Methods, eBooks, Posters
This page provides a free guitar cheat sheet with tab, score and chord shapes about the main types of scales harmonized in seventh chords :
Melodic Minor
Diatonic Major Scale
Natural Minor Scale
Harmonic Minor Scale
Slash Chords On Guitar - Lesson With Charts And Diagrams
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-03-07
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
Slash chords, distinguished by a chord followed by a forward slash and a bass note (e.g., C/G), are a powerful tool for enriching your guitar sound.
This guitar lesson for beginners unravels the mystery behind slash chords, revealing how they redefine familiar shapes and add a touch of sophistication to your chord progressions.
Guitar Practice Routine - 10 Essential Tips
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-03-01
- In Guitar Practice Tips
Learning jazz guitar requires a systematic and disciplined practice routine. Here's a comprehensive practice plan bringing together 10 essential points to help you develop your jazz guitar skills.
Blue Bossa - Guitar Chord Study For Beginners - YouTube Short Video - Diagrams & Tabs
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-02-08
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
"Blue Bossa" is a jazz standard composed by trumpetist Kenny Dorham and one of the most popular Bossa Nova song.
The tune has since become a popular jazz standard, covered by numerous artists as Joe Henderson, Art Pepper, Dexter Gordon and many more.
This guitar lesson provides an easy chord study with tab / notation and YouTube short video to learn how to comp over it.
You'll find the related PDF transcription in the GUMROAD STORE.
6 Types Of Extended & Altered Dominant 7 Chord Voicings For Guitar
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-02-03
- In Chords / Voicings
In this short guitar lesson you will learn how to play 6 types of altered and extented dominant chords (7, 7b9, 9, 7b5, 7b5b9, 9b5) to expand your harmonic vocabulary.
4 Examples of Using Diminished 7 Chords On Guitar
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-01-17
- In Chords / Voicings
Diminished 7 chords bring a distinctive, mysterious sound to music. Widely used in jazz and classical genres, they infuse tension and creativity into your playing.
This guitar lesson explains how they are built and how to use them thanks to four easy examples.
How To Mix Chords And Modes Of The Harmonic Minor Scale - Free PDF And YouTube Short Video
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-01-04
The harmonic minor scale is a captivating and versatile scale used in various musical genres, known for its distinctive sound due to the raised seventh degree compared to the natural minor scale.
By understanding both chords derived from this scale and the modes within it, you can create compelling harmonic progressions and melodic lines.
Here's an introduction on how to combine chords and modes derived from the harmonic minor scale, including a free PDF (or give what you want) with Tab / standard notation.
8 Steps to Learn Any Jazz Standard
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-01-03
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
Guest Post By Jack Handyside at
Jazz standards are some of the most beautiful and interesting pieces of music ever written, but learning these complex songs and committing them to memory can feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to start.
Luckily for you, we’re here to help! This article will introduce you to a tried and true, eight-step method that you can use to learn any jazz standard. Our focus today will be on the classic jazz standard Autumn Leaves written by Joseph Kosma.
9 Essential Guitar Scales For Beginners
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-01-01
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
Jazz music, known for its improvisational nature and rich harmonic complexities, is a genre that heavily relies on scales for melodic expression and harmonic exploration. Understanding essential scales is a crucial step in comprehending its harmonic structure and developing improvisational skills.
Here's an overview of nine fundamental jazz scales ideal for beginners:
Chord Substitution - Enharmonic Equivalents - Altered & Extended Dominant Seventh Chords
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-12-19
This guitar theory lesson about harmonic equivalents provides six examples, that demonstrate how dominant seventh chords (rootless, altered or extended) can also be considered as other types of chords (min6, dim7, 7).
Funky Groove Backing Tracks For Bass Players
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-11-05
- In Backing Tracks For Musicians
This page offers a serie of funky groove backing tracks for bass players.
Jazz Guitar Theory: The Many Uses of Melodic Minor
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-11-03
- In Guest Posts
Guest post by Dennis Winge
One Scale, Many Cool Contexts
Apart from the major scale, no one single scale has so many uses in jazz as the melodic minor scale. The table on the next page outlines the seven different points of view, or modes of the melodic minor scale, followed by some examples of usages.
The basic melodic minor scale is the same as a major scale, but with a lowered 3rd. In the key of C this would be the notes c, d, eb, f, g, a, b.
Below is a brief overview of each mode of the melodic minor. I explain the most common of them in this video.
Mixolydian Sus4 Chords On Guitar - Voice Leading - Lesson With Tabs
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-10-14
- In Chords / Voicings
This short guitar lesson is to practice voice leading with 10 different sus4 chord voicings built with notes from the G Mixolydian mode. Transcription with Tab & Short video available at the end of the article.
Top 12 Distortion Pedals In 2023 - Guitar Gear Review
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-10-03
- In Music Gear Reviews - Buyer's Guides
Distortion pedals are essential tools for guitarists seeking to shape and enhance their tone. In this guide with YouTube video demos, we'll explore the 12 best distortion pedals available today (sound, build quality, specifications, pros, and cons), each offering its unique sonic character and versatility.
Whether you crave the warmth of vintage overdrive, fuzz or the searing aggression of modern distortion, you're sure to find the perfect pedal to take your guitar playing to the next level.
Dominant 7 Chord Extensions - Infographic With Guitar Neck Diagrams
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-09-18
- In Chords / Voicings
This brief guitar theory lesson explains what is a dominant 7 chord and its possible extensions (natural and altered) thanks to a printable infographic containing two neck diagrams.
14 Dominant Chords And Mixo Blues Lines / Voice Leading / Guitar Lesson With Free PDF & Short YouTube Video
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-09-15
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
This short guitar lesson provides 14 ways of connecting dominant chord voicings on the same string set (7 and extended) and three easy lines using the Mixo Blues Scale. A free transcription in PDF (or give what you want) is available here on the GUMROAD store.
Guitar Scale Dictionary
This E-book is a printable PDF method including over 700 scale diagrams and formula charts for guitarists. -
Guitar Chord Dictionary
This PDF eBook provides over 550 guitar chord shapes. This is the perfect reference guide to understand how chords are built and how to play them on the guitar neck. -
30 Groovy Jazz Guitar Licks
This downloadable package contains a PDF WITH audio files giving access to 30 groovy guitar phrases mixing jazz, blues and funky licks for beginners. -
172 Arpeggio Shapes For Guitar
This printable PDF is a method dedicated to guitarists of all styles who want to learn build and play the most important types of arpeggios. -
126 Triad Chord Shapes
This handbook for guitar players is intended both for teachers and students. It includes 126 guitar shapes for mastering triads. -
Major Scale Harmonization
This package provides a printable PDF with exercises and audio files to learn how to harmonize the major scale with 3 note chords and their extensions. -
30 Minor Arpeggio Licks
This package includes a printable PDF method containing 30 exercises with tabs, staves and audio files for practicing minor arpeggios on guitar. -
II V I Bundle - 170 Exercises
This bundle contains 4 PDF methods for a total of 170 exercises with tabs, staves, analysis & audio files for practicing scales, arpeggios licks & chords over the 2-5-1 progression. -
Diatonic Licks Bundle
This package contains 120 jazz guitar lines based on diatonic modes as Mixolydian, Dorian and Ionian. PDF format with tabs, audio files and analysis. -
30 Smooth Jazz Guitar Licks
In this package you'll get a printable PDF Method with tabs, notation, analysis, scale shapes and audio files for practicing 30 smooth jazz guitar licks. -
40 II V I Jazz Guitar Licks
This pdf method for guitar contains fourteen 2 5 1 jazz guitar lines with tab, standard notation, analysis, scale charts and audio files. -
50 II-V-I voicings
This printable PDF guitar method provides 50 exercises with audio files, analysis, tab and staves for learning major 2-5-1 chord voicings. -
40 Minor 2 5 1 Chord Voicings
This PDF method contains 40 exercices with tabs, scores and audio files for practicing jazz guitar chords over the minor 2 5 1 progression. -
40 Minor II V I Licks
This guitar method is a printable PDF with tabs, diagrams, theory and audio files providing 40 minor 2 5 1 jazz patterns. -
40 Mixolydian Jazz Guitar Lick
PDF guitar method with tabs, audio files and theory providing 40 dominant jazz guitar lines for teachers and students. -
40 Minor Jazz Guitar Licks
This printable guitar method in PDF format contains 40 easy minor jazz guitar lines based on the Dorian mode. -
40 Major Jazz Guitar Licks
Printable PDF eBook method containing 40 major jazz guitar licks with tab, standard notation and audio files for beginners and intermediates. -
Guitar Walking Bass Lines
This jazz guitar method about walking bass lines and chords is available as a PDF files containing 35 exercises with tabs, analysis and audio files -
101 Dominant Arpeggio Patterns
This printable PDF method provides 101 dominant arpeggio exercises with tab, theory and standard notation for the jazz, blues and rock guitarist. -
49 Essential Jazz Lines
This printable eBook method in PDF format provides 49 jazz solo transcriptions of the greatest jazz musicians. Tab, standard notation, audio files & analysis. -
11 Jazz Blues Studies
11 jazz blues chord studies with tabs, standard notation, analysis, and audio recordings and PDF. -
10 Easy Fingerstyle Blues
This PDF with Tabs and audio files provides 10 easy acoustic fingerstyle blues guitar studies for kids and beginners. -
25 Altered Jazz Guitar Lines
This PDF eBook method contains 25 altered jazz guitar licks with tabs, patterns, scale charts and audio files to master, apply and develop the altered scale. -
40 Blues Dominant Patterns
This printable method is available as a PDF file containing 40 easy dominant jazz-blues guitar lines with tabs, standard notation, analysis, audio files and scale charts. -
25 Pentatonic Licks
This jazz guitar method is an eBook available as a PDF with standard notation, guitar tabs, diagrams, analysis, audio files and backing tracks. You will find in this booklet 25 easy jazz guitar lines with theory using common and rare pentatonic scales. -
25 Soul Jazz Guitar Licks
You will find here an eBook available in PDF containing 25 soul jazz and hard bop guitar licks in the style of Grant Green, Melvin Sparks, George Benson. -
25 Diminished Patterns
This eBook PDF with audio files contains 25 dominant diminished jazz guitar patterns using the half-whole diminished scale and diminished 7th arpeggios. -
6 Tritone substitution licks
This Printable PDF eBook available for free download contains 6 easy jazz guitar licks with tabs/notation, youtube video link and analysis about the tritone substitution. -
10 Minor 7 Arpeggio Patterns
This printable PDF eBook offers 10 easy minor 7 arpeggio patterns with its related YouTube video for beginner guitarists. -
10 Easy Major 7 Arpeggio Licks
This is a printable PDF for beginner jazz guitar players providing 10 easy licks to practice major 7 arpeggios. -
10 Chord Melody Lines
Within this package, you'll discover a set of ten chord melody exercises for beginners. Printable PDFaudio files, a backing track, and a link to the associated YouTube video. -
10 Minor Blues Scale Licks
You'll find here a PDF with 10 easy jazz guitar licks to practice the minor blues scale on guitar.