Mini Lessons
Mini Lessons are short jazz guitar tutorials both for guitar instructors and students.
They are available as downloadable packages including a short HD video (no talking), one or more guitar pro files, a printable PDF with guitar tab, score, analysis and chord charts.
These learning materials for beginner, intermediate and advanced guitar players go straight to the point focusing on a specific topic as : chord voicings, common chord progressions, scales and modes, arpeggios, licks, practice tips, theory and so on.
Here a list of the mini lessons available at this day. New lessons are regularly added, don't hesitate to subscribe to the newsletter to stay informed of the latest news.
ML 01 - Walking Bass Lines and Chords (Bb blues)
ML 02 - Jazz Guitar Lines Over Common Chord Changes.
ML 04 - Jazz Blues Arpeggios Part 1
ML 05 - Jazz Blues Arpeggios Part 2
ML 06 - Jazz Blues Arpeggios Part 3
ML 07 - Arpeggio Superimposition
ML 08 - Connecting Scales And Arpeggios Over Bb Blues
ML 09 - Mixing Jazz Guitar Chords And Melodic Lines Over a Blues In B
Mini Lesson 01 (ML 01)
You'll find a mini guitar lesson about walking bass lines and chords containing a PDF with tab, score analysis, shapes, a video and a guitar pro file. -
Mini Lesson 02 (ML 02)
In this mini jazz guitar lesson you will learn how to play easy and cool jazz lines over basic chord changes found in jazz. Pdf, tab and video included. -
Mini Lesson 03 (ML 03)
With this short lesson you will learn how to play and connect basic guitar arpeggios over a diatonic chord progression. -
Mini Lesson 04 (ML 04)
This is a downloadable package with PDF, Tab, guitar pro file and video to practice guitar arpeggios over a jazz blues chord progression. -
Mini Lesson 05 (ML 05)
This downloadable package provides a PDF with Tab/score, a guitar pro file and a short video for practicing guitar arpeggios on a jazz blues progression in Bb. -
Mini Lesson 06 (ML 06)
This package for guitarists contains a PDF with tab, video, backing track and guitar pro file for practicing arpeggios over a basic jazz blues progression. -
Mini Lesson 07 (ML 07)
With this mini guitar lesson you will learn how to superimpose arpeggios over a diatonic chord progression. Video, pdf, jamtrack and guitar pro file included. -
Mini Lesson 08 (ML08)
Mini lesson with PDF, guitar pro file, video and backing track for practicing scale and arpeggio connections over a Bb jazz blues progression. -
Mini Lesson 09 (ML09)
This mini lesson is a downloadable package containing a PDF, video, backing track and guitar pro file of a jazz blues progression study in B. -
Mini Lesson 10 (ML 10)
This mini guitar lesson provides a printable PDF with tab/notation, video, backing track and guitar pro file for practicing open triads over Fly Me To The Moon. -
Mini Lesson 11 (ML 11)
This guitar lesson is a package inlcuding a PDF transcription with analysis, a short video, a backing track and a guitar pro file to learn to play jazz solo lines over Blue Bossa. -
Jazz Blues Guitar Study (ML12)
This mini lesson provides a video, a guitar pro file and PDF transcription of a jazz blues study in G implying melodic lines, chord extensions and substitutions