Major Scale Triads For Guitar - Four Exercises With Tab & Youtube Short
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2025-02-19
- In Chords / Voicings
Triads are the building blocks of chords and an essential part of understanding harmony on the guitar.
By learning major scale triads, you'll improve your fretboard knowledge, enhance your improvisation skills, and develop a deeper understanding of chord construction.
In this lesson, we’ll break down:
What are the three types of triads found in the major scale.
How to play them across the fretboard on four string sets.
Triad Warm Up Exercise // Free PDF
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-07-08
- In Guitar Practice Tips
This guitar warm-up exercise involves playing three types of triads—major, minor, and diminished—in a consecutive sequence following a descending progression.
The PDF, which includes both TAB and standard notation, is available for free (or pay what you want) in the GUMROAD STORE.
Positions Of Triads On Guitar
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-05-27
- In Guitar Cheat Sheets, Methods, eBooks, Posters
Triads are the building blocks of harmony and an essential concept for any guitarist looking to deepen their understanding of music theory and enhance their playing versatility.
This article provides a cheat sheet showing the positions of each type of triad (minor, major, diminished and augmented) on the guitar neck.
Slash Chords On Guitar - Lesson With Charts And Diagrams
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-03-07
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
Slash chords, distinguished by a chord followed by a forward slash and a bass note (e.g., C/G), are a powerful tool for enriching your guitar sound.
This guitar lesson for beginners unravels the mystery behind slash chords, revealing how they redefine familiar shapes and add a touch of sophistication to your chord progressions.
Triad Chord Connections - Short Guitar Tutorial With Free PDF
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-05-04
In this short lesson for beginners you will learn how to build basic triad chords on guitar, how to connect, hear and recognize them in an easy way, step by step. Four exercises with tab/standard notation and neck diagrams are proposed here, the aim being to play the six main types of triads on different string sets without displacing the hand.
Natural Minor Scale Harmonization - Guitar Theory Lesson
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2022-04-13
This guitar theory lesson covers a very important topic that any musician must know : How To Harmonize The Natural Minor Scale?
You will learn how to build triads and seventh chords starting on each note of the natural minor scale.
Three Note Arpeggios Built In Fourths On Guitar - Quartal Harmony - Guitar Lesson With YouTube Short Video and PDF
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2022-03-24
Quartal harmony is the way of building chords with intervals of fourths instead of thirds, it's a nice way to modernize and enrich your jazz guitar playing. This post provides an easy exercise for a first approach of quartal playing that is to arpeggiate three-note chords built in fourths, starting on each step of a major scale.
As is the case in many lessons on the website, you'll find a short YouTube video and the link to download the PDF for free, a little further in this article.
Superimposed Triads - Guitar Infographic
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-10-23
- In Infographics
You'll find here an infographic related to the lesson about upper structure triads on guitar.
Upper Structure Triads For Guitar - Lesson With Charts and Tabs
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-10-22
- In Chords / Voicings
This guitar lesson discusses a very useful way to come out new colors to your soloing or comping ideas called "Upper-structure Triads".
This technique consists of superimposing triads to highlight extended notes of minor, major and dominant chords.
Armando's Rumba - Guitar Chords
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-07-07
This lesson provides a chord study with tab of the Latin jazz tune Armando's rumba by Chick Corea based on the Latin Real Book version in C minor. Here below you'll find guitar tabs corresponding to the four main parts of the tune (A-B-C-D).
The chords used in this arrangement are mostly seventh chords as min7, maj7, dim7 and dom7 (drop 2, drop 3 and rootless voicings) including basic triads (min, aug) and altered dominant chords (7#9, 7b13).
Triad Chords For Guitar On YouTube and PDF
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-07-04
A new tutorial has been published on Jazz Guitar Licks YouTube channel.
It shows how to play the main triads on guitar using neck diagram shapes.
The triads discussed are : minor, major, diminished, augmented and suspended 2 & 4.
For those who'd like to get the printable PDF version and get more triad voicing shapes (open and close), there is a new method available since a few days, just click on the picture below to get it.
Triad Pairs For Jazz Guitar - Theory, Tabs, Exercises
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2020-02-02
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
The triad pair system is a technique used by many jazz improviser to build modern improvised lines.
It consists of playing two adjacent triads from a scale.
The most used are from the major diatonic system, however it is possible to use triad pairs from other scales as melodic minor, harmonic minor and harmonic major.
This guitar lesson with tabs, shapes and theory is focused on triad pairs from the major scale only.
Diatonic Dyads For Guitar - Lesson With Shapes - Music Theory
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2019-09-29
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
In music, a dyad refers to a two-note chord or interval. Unlike traditional chords, which consist of three or more notes played simultaneously, dyads are comprised of only two notes. This guitar lesson explores the concept of diatonic dyads.
Inverted Chords - Music Theory Lesson
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2018-12-16
This music theory lesson provides some easy examples for a better understanding of what are inverted chords.
Triads On Guitar - Lesson With Tabs & Shapes
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2018-10-08
Triads are one of the first harmonic tools to study. They are very useful for comping and chordal enrichment.
Learning close and open (aka spread) triads increase your harmonic knowledge and at the same time help you discover your fretboard.
In this lesson you will see the main triad chord shapes including root positions and inversions.
You will also find some ideas on how to use triads over a II V I sequence, in order to create interesting melodic movement in your comping.
Triad Arpeggios - Guitar Lesson For Beginners
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2017-08-25
Arpeggios are surely the most important tools to master when you want to start improvising. They create a more harmonized sound when played with their corresponding chord. They are very helpful to easily outline the chord changes in solos and improvisations. This guitar lesson focuses on the most basic forms of arpeggios made out of three notes called "triad arpeggios".