guitar scales
Essential Dominant Scales For Guitar - Shapes And Short Video
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-12-09
- In Scales & Arpeggios
In this session, we'll cover 6 essential dominant scales that every guitarist should know.
These scales are the foundation for creating solos in blues, jazz, and rock styles
7 Variations Of The Dorian Mode For Guitar - Diagrams & Formula Charts
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-05-10
- In Scales & Arpeggios
This guitar lesson provides 7 alternative scales to the Dorian mode.
These scales all include a supplementary note, making them octatonic scales (made of eight notes).
They can be used over minor chords and prove to be an original choice to enhance your soloing skills.
Warm up Jazz Guitar Exercise - Bebop Melodic Line And 3-note Chords - Free PDF
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-04-24
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
This lesson offers an easy warm up exercise for guitar implying a bebop melodic pattern and five 3-note chord voicings to play over a 2 5 progression.
You can download the transcription and chord charts in PDF format for free (or give what you want).
In the meantime here is a brief analysis of the lesson :
Harmonized Scales Guitar Cheat Sheet
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-04-16
- In Guitar Cheat Sheets, Methods, eBooks, Posters
This page provides a free guitar cheat sheet with tab, score and chord shapes about the main types of scales harmonized in seventh chords :
Melodic Minor
Diatonic Major Scale
Natural Minor Scale
Harmonic Minor Scale
How To Mix Chords And Modes Of The Harmonic Minor Scale - Free PDF And YouTube Short Video
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-01-04
The harmonic minor scale is a captivating and versatile scale used in various musical genres, known for its distinctive sound due to the raised seventh degree compared to the natural minor scale.
By understanding both chords derived from this scale and the modes within it, you can create compelling harmonic progressions and melodic lines.
Here's an introduction on how to combine chords and modes derived from the harmonic minor scale, including a free PDF (or give what you want) with Tab / standard notation.
9 Essential Guitar Scales For Beginners
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2024-01-01
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
Jazz music, known for its improvisational nature and rich harmonic complexities, is a genre that heavily relies on scales for melodic expression and harmonic exploration. Understanding essential scales is a crucial step in comprehending its harmonic structure and developing improvisational skills.
Here's an overview of nine fundamental jazz scales ideal for beginners:
Jazz Guitar Theory: The Many Uses of Melodic Minor
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-11-03
- In Guest Posts
Guest post by Dennis Winge
One Scale, Many Cool Contexts
Apart from the major scale, no one single scale has so many uses in jazz as the melodic minor scale. The table on the next page outlines the seven different points of view, or modes of the melodic minor scale, followed by some examples of usages.
The basic melodic minor scale is the same as a major scale, but with a lowered 3rd. In the key of C this would be the notes c, d, eb, f, g, a, b.
Below is a brief overview of each mode of the melodic minor. I explain the most common of them in this video.
Dominant, Subdominant, Secondary Subdominant and Secondary Dominant Chords - Guitar Theory Lesson
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-07-30
In music theory, the terms "dominant," "subdominant," and "secondary dominant" are used to describe different types of chords and their functions within a key or harmonic progression.
Here's an explanation of each term with examples for guitar players.
Comparison Between Phrygian Modes - Guitar Theory Lesson
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-07-05
In this guitar lesson, we will explore the differences between five different Phrygian modes taken from the major, harmonic minor, melodic minor, harmonic major and double harmonic major scales.
Major Scale Harmonized In 3-Note Chords - Guitar Lesson With YouTube Short, Diagrams And Tabs
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-06-14
This lesson provides a short guitar exercise that will expand your theoretical notions and fretboard knowledges. The principle being to harmonize the C major scale with 3-note chords also referred to as shell voicings while inserting short lines (from the major scale) between each chord.
Relative And Parallel Modes - Music Theory Lesson For Guitar
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-05-19
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
In this theory lesson with diagrams and charts you will learn what's the difference between relative and parallel modes and how to play them on guitar.
Chord Vocabulary With Modal Chord Scales - Dorian, Mixolydian And Lydian
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-04-26
- In Teacher Spotlight - Jazz Guitar Lessons
Lesson By Nate Jarrell
This lesson is designed to help you expand your chord and voicing vocabulary through the use of modal chord scales.
Each notes of the Dorian, Mixolydian, and Lydian modes are harmonized to give you seven chord voicings based on each of those scales.
This approach is very useful for trio or solo playing because it gives you a voicing with each note in the scale on the top of the chords which allows you to easily harmonize notes from the melodies you are playing.
These are also very useful in for comping in a variety of situations and styles.
The Major Sixth Diminished Scale - Jazz Guitar Lesson Around The Barry Harris Concept
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2023-03-20
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
This guitar lesson is about a harmonic concept mapped out and developped by jazz musician Barry harris that can be found in the book "The Barry Harris Harmonic Method For Guitar" by Alan Kingstone.
This blog article details a little bit more in depth about what is the major 6 diminished scale and how to harmonize it with major 6 and diminished 7 chords.
25 Exotic Scales On Guitar - Charts, Diagrams And Audio
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2022-07-15
This guitar lesson lists 25 exotic and rare scales from different cultures and countries to add new colors to your playing.
You'll find two-octave guitar shapes, formula charts, audio files in the key of C for each scale and classified into five main categories :
Seven Note Dominant Scales.
Seven Note Minor Scales.
Seven Note Major Scales.
Six Note Scales.
Five Note Scales.
Jazz Guitar Phrases Over Common Changes - II V I and I VI II V - PDF With Tab, Shapes and Video (part 1)
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-11-09
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
This short jazz guitar study with tab, score and chord charts provides some easy jazz lines to apply over three common chord progressions found in jazz. These licks will help you better understand what scales and modes can be used over basic chord changes. You'll find a link to the free PDF at the end of this lesson.
Jazz Blues Guitar Study - Basic Chords and Minor Blues Scale
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2021-10-07
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
Here is 12-bar jazz-blues study in Bb with guitar tab and standard notation mixing basic jazz chords and minor blues scale fragments. You'll find it for free (or Pay What You Want) on jazz-guitar-licks Gumroad store.