Altered jazz guitar lines
Medodic Minor Scale And Altered Dominant Seventh Chords - Guitar Lesson With Free PDF and Short Video
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2022-09-23
- In Jazz Guitar Lessons
This guitar lesson provides 10 easy exercises for understanding the relationship between the Melodic Minor Scale and altered dominant seventh chords. This is a free course (or give what you want) with a printable PDF with tab/standard notation and a YouTube short video.
Altered Jazz Guitar Lick - 2 5 1 Progression
- By jazz-guitar-licks
- On 2016-11-03
When you want to play altered jazz guitar lines over a dominant 7th chord, there is an easy and efficient option that is to play a major triad starting on the #11 of the chord you want to improvise over.
This way you highlight the b7, #11 and b9 and add tension to your playing.
Let's take an example with a II-V-I sequence in the key of C major. The progression is Dm7 | G7alt | CMaj7.