Let it snow excerpt

Reharmonizing Christmas Carols using Giant Steps chord changes

Guest Post By Dennis Winge

Coltrane changes are fun to play on. 

If you're intimidated by Giant Steps, it could simply be the tempo of the tune. 

Just because Trane's version is fast doesn't mean you can't enjoy using the changes at slower tempos, in smaller increments, and on generally easier tunes.  

I.  Definition

There are plenty of internet resources on what Coltrane changes are so we will only provide a short overview here.

The changes Bmaj7 - D7 - Gmaj7 - Bb7 - Ebmaj7 is the opening of Giant Steps.  It spans 3 keys, B, G, and Eb. 

Those keys are a major third apart and they sit far away from each other on the Circle of Fifths, hence the title "Giant Steps."  

In reharmonizing jazz standards, you can take any II - V - I progression and put these changes into it by going up a half-step from the II chord to begin the cycle.

(Please note, I use a harmonic analysis system based on John Mehegan's classic book "Tonal and Rhythmic Principles" which doesn't lower case the Roman Numerals for minors, and uses the following symbols:  ∆ = major, x = dominant,  - = minor, Ø = half-diminished or m7b5, and o = diminished,.)

Standard Changes - key of C


(Key C)









Standard II - V - I Reharmonized with Coltrane Changes


(key C) (key Ab)


(key E)


(key C)


Dm7 Eb7

Abmaj7 B7

Emaj7 G7



In the above example we have 3 keys: Ab, E, and C and they are a major third apart, which is the same relationship as in Giant Steps. 

Over each key change is the V chord to the I chord in that particular key, as indicated.  

If you are not familiar with this type of reharm, it would be good to write them out in 12 keys, so I'll give you one more example:

Standard Changes - key of F


(key F)








Standard II - V - I Reharmonized with Coltrane Changes 


(key F) (key Db)


(key A)


(key F)


Gm7 Ab7

Dbmaj7 E7

Amaj7 C7



II.  Why Christmas Carols?

So if the reharmonization technique can be used on any jazz standard, why an article specifically about Christmas Carols? 

Notice in the above examples that it takes 3 bars of reharm before the I chord comes in bar 4. 

This is fine if the I chord in the standard changes stays the same in bars 3 and 4. 

It'll also be fine if the chord in bar 4 is diatonic to the key (like Am in the key of C, as in a II - V - I - VI progression).

But if bar 4 takes you somewhere else, you may have to be bit creative with how use the reharm.  

For example, suppose you have:


(key C)







Bm7b7 E7








Dm7 G7



In order to use Coltrane changes in the first 4 bars you might have to go:


(key C) (key Ab)


(key E)


(key C)


Dm7 Eb7

Abmaj7 B7

Emaj7 G7

Cmaj7 / Bm7b5 E7








Dm7 G7



So notice that when you "resolve" to C, the underlying harmony as written in the original version of the tune is not really on C anymore, and you're, in a sense, shoving a round peg in a square hole. 

(And, as experienced guitarist know, if you're trying to pull off this reharm on the fly with a bass player who is not expecting them, it can sound quite unusual indeed, so a word to the wise:  play it confidently and play it clearly if you're going to do it spontaneously or it will just sound wrong.)

Fortunately, in a lot of Christmas carols, there are many sections where the I chord doesn't come until bar 4. 

That makes them perfect for Coltrane reharmonizations.  

III.  Examples

Christmas Song

Christmas song excerpt

The reharm would go: | Bbm7 B7 | Emaj7 G7 | Cmaj7 Eb7 | Abmaj7 |

Let it Snow

Let it snow excerpt

The reharm is: | Gm7 Ab7 | Dbmaj7 E7 | Amaj7 C7 | Fmaj7 |

Winter Wonderland

Winter wonderland excerpt

The reharm would be: | Fm7 F#7 | Bmaj7 D7 | Gmaj7 Bb7 | Ebmaj7 |

IV.  Contexts In Which To Use The Reharms

Of course you're not going to reharmonize while someone is singing or playing the melody unless you have worked out how to alter the melody in advance! 

There are examples of the melody being altered (such as in my wacky version of Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer on my Holiday Album, but generally speaking you should reserve those reharms for solo sections only.

You can really go nuts with this device if you're so inclined, because sometimes whole tunes lend themselves to reharmonized changes such as in this version of Happy Holidays. 

I look forward to hearing the results of your experiments, so don't be shy in sending them. :)

About The Author:

Dennis Winge is a professional guitarist living in upstate New York who runs Guitar Lessons in Ithaca and has 10 albums out a leader.

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christmas songs Guest post harmonization

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