11 jazz blues studies for guitar pdf method

Jazz Guitar Methods - eBooks & Printable PDF with Tabs, Standard Notation & Audio Files

101 dominant arpeggio patterns for guitarist pdf ebookThis page lists the eBooks available for download on the website. All theses methods are in PDF format, so they can be printed and viewed on all types of media systems (tablets, smartphones and computers).


25 Soul Jazz Guitar Licks

This printable PDF eBook contains 25 soul jazz guitar licks with tabs, analysis & audio files. (Backing track included).

Package details :

- 1 printable PDF eBook with 25 soul jazz guitar licks with standard notation, tabs, scales charts, guitar fretboard diagrams (5 boxes for each scales) and analysis.

- 1 soul-jazz backing track (Quality mp3 audio file).

- 25 soul jazz guitar licks audio files (Quality mp3 audio files).

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40 Blues Jazz Patterns

This printable PDF eBook contains 40 easy jazz, blues melodic patterns with tabs and standard notation to play over dominant 7th chords.

Package details :

  • 1 printable PDF booklet containing 40 jazz blues guitar licks with tabs and scale charts.
  • 1 blues jazz blues backing track. (MP3 - High quality)
  • 40 MP3 Audio files for each lick (High quality)

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II V I Chord Voicings - 50 Exercises

This printable PDF eBook explains how to play over major II-V-I progressions using rootless, drop 2 and drop 3 chords, inverted voicings, chord substitutions.

20 pages with 50 exercises with formulas and analysis, including guitar tabs, standard music notation with audio files.

Package details /

  • 1 PDF eBook with 50 II-V-I exercises.
  • 50 Audio files

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101 Dominant Arpeggios

This book focuses on dominant seventh arpeggios (non-altered) and their extensions (9-11-13). You will find 101 exercises that will help you understand and develop dominant arpeggios through seven basic types of chord movements.

Package Details

  • 1 Printable PDF guitar tab book (High resolution - 43 Pages).

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40 Major Jazz Guitar Licks

This printable PDF eBook provides 40 easy jazz guitar licks with tab, standard notation, audio files, theory and analysis. All these lines are built from the major scale aka Ionian mode. They can be played over major chords as maj, maj6, maj7, maj9, maj11, maj13, 6/9. These licks are useful devices to build improvised jazz guitar lines and solos.

Package Details

  • 1 Printable PDF file (High resolution).
  • 40 Mp3 audio files (High quality).
  • 2 Jazz Backing Tracks (140 & 110 BPM)

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49 Essential Jazz Guitar Lines

This Printable PDF eBook with tabs and analysis contains 49 jazz guitar licks transcribed from improvised solos of one of the greatest jazz musicians : Barney Kessel, Cannonball Adderley, Charlie Christian, Emily Remler, George Benson, Grant Green,  Herb Ellis, Charlie Parker, Jim Hall, Jimmy Raney, Joe Pass, John Scofield, Kenny Burrell, Mike Stern, Sonny Rollins, Wes Montgomery.

Package details

  • 1 Printable PDF eBook (18 pages) containing 49 jazz guitar lines with TABS, standard notation and analysis.
  • 49 Audio Files (MP3).

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11 Jazz Blues Studies

This printable PDF eBook contains 11 blues-jazz studies with tabs, analysis (with roman numerals), and audio files, divided into four chapters.

Package details

  • 1 printable PDF eBook with 11 blues, jazz progressions with tabs, standard notation and analysis.
  • 7 audio files (chord and guitar walking bass studies)
  • 2 blues, jazz backing tracks (bass & drums). 120 & 160 BPM.

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25 Pentatonic Licks

The first chapter of this method explains how to develop pentatonic scales using melodic patterns and cycles. The second provides soloing ideas using only pentatonic scales. These soloing concepts will help you expand your improvisation skills in order to play over the main chord changes found in jazz music like major II-V-I, II-Valt-I, minor II-V-I, turnarounds and other common progressions.

Package details

  • 1 Printable PDF eBook (21 pages)
  • 25 Jazz guitar licks (with tabs and standard notation)
  • 19 guitar scale diagrams
  • 25 audio files (mp3 high quality)
  • 2 backing tracks (mp3 high quality)

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25 Altered Licks

This printable PDF eBook will help you learn, ear and understand the altered scale. The first part of this method is focused on how to develop the altered scale using interval patterns arpeggios and pentatonic scales. The second part contains 25 easy II V I jazz guitar licks using the altered scale on the V7 chord 

Package details :

  • 1 Printable PDF eBook  (12 pages).
  • 1 Jazz backing track (MP3 audio file, 320 kbps).
  • 25 Audio files (MP3 audio file, 320 kbps).

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20 II V I Licks

The II-V-I sequence is the most common chord progression played in jazz music and a must know for any guitarist who wants to learn jazz language.

This printable eBook method (PDF) contains 20 II-V-I (major and minor) jazz guitar lines with tabs, standard notation, analysis, audio files and scale charts.

Package details

  • 1 Printable PDF eBook containing 20 jazz guitar lines with TABS, standard notation and analysis.
  • 20 Audio Files (MP3).

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jazz guitar lessons eBooks Pdf methods booklet

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